Global Talent Stream

What is Global Talent Stream?

The Global Talent Stream was introduced to help the Canadian employers access highly-skilled global talent to expand their workforce here in Canada and to be competitive on a global scale. This Stream, which is a part of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program, is designed for innovative firms in Canada that are referred to Employment and Social Development Canada by a designated referral partner and that need unique and specialized foreign nationals in order to scale-up and grow. It is also intended for firms in Canada that need to fill an in-demand highly-skilled position on the Global Talent Occupations List.

The Global Talent Stream of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program is a 24-month pilot program which aims to help innovative companies quickly access the highly skilled talent they need to scale-up and grow.

Options Available for Canadian Employers

Category A

Employers in Canada seeking to hire unique and specialized foreign workers and that have been referred to the Global Talent Stream by an ESDC Designated Partner because they are an innovative Canadian company seeking to scale-up and grow.

Category B

Firms in Canada that need to hire highly skilled foreign workers for occupations found on ESDC’s Global Talent Occupations List because they have been determined to be in demand and for which there is insufficient domestic labour supply.

Global Talent Occupations List for Category B of the Global Talent Stream


Computer and information systems managers


Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)


Information systems analysts and consultants


Database analysts and data administrators


Software engineers and designers


Computer programmers and interactive media developers


Web designers and developers


Computer network technicians


Information systems testing technicians

How Whitefield Immigration Consultancy can help you in the application process?

As a regulated Canadian immigration consultant, Whitefield Immigration Consultancy can help you different options both for Foreign Nationals and Canadian Employers.

Contact us today.